Friday, June 4, 2021

Judah's First Swimming Adventure!

Judah didn't yet have a swimsuit, so when we went to the pool, his dad said he'd just let him put his feet in the water.  

Don't let this face fool you.  He LOVED the pool.  

(Also,  his dad bought him that ugly hat. Positive is, it provides a lot of shade.)

So much so,  that when he got out after about 30 minutes, he was yelling at the kids in the pool and downright mad sitting in the shade with me.

So his dad said he'd just walk him around in the pool with his feet dangling in.

He was very content. All was well. I turned away for a second to hang up a wet towel to dry on a chair....and there was a very wet baby when I turned back. 

He loved it, there is no doubt. The water was bathwater warm. (The disinterested face is due to needing a nap, not lack of enjoyment.) 

Naps have been so rough. Judah needed a good one. So Elijah, Judah, and I walked to Meijer to do a little shopping and let Judah nap. He napped so well that when Bryan came to pick us and the groceries up, we sent him home with the groceries and walked back home. He napped for a couple of hours! 

And we found this gem, right there on the shelf at Meijer. Good thing because there's only one Chick-fil-A here and it's generally an insane wait. It just opened before we moved back up. I've heard of people waiting 3 hours, but my neighbors went mid-afternoon and said they only waited 30 minutes. It was nice having plenty of options in CO and VA. They really need to build more here. But until then, at least we can have the sauce! 

Showing off his climbing skills on the walk back home.

New food today! Well, sort of. Blueberry sorbet. Took some frozen blueberries and water, added some sugar and blended until perfect. No actual new foods but new texture and temperature.  It was a nice change. 

The love and protection this family has for Judah isn't really far off that of Grogu. So the shirt isn't just cute, but also fitting. 

Working on those boot buckles!

Cheesecake was the flavor of the week. There was no way we (they) could miss out on that one. 

Micah will be so happy to have his bike back. He's tired of having to bring a wagon everywhere he rides his hoverboard just in case it dies! Good thing we did today. (This is not like a skateboard that you can carry with you. It is HEAVY.)

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