Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Words on Wednesday

The kids have to answer questions for their Friday enrichment classes and this was Micah's answer this week. I just love it because it sums him up pretty well.  (Forgive his grammar/ capitalization, he's convinced no one reads it so he doesn't care.)

Judah has realized that white thing is magical and allows him to summon company. (It's the camera for the baby monitor.) He woke up after 20 minutes this morning and just started jabbering as he crawled over. Yes, in his boots and bar. Determined little guy and he wasn't going back to sleep. He had a lot to accomplish today! (His afternoon nap was almost 3 hours though, so that made up for it. Too bad he doesn't sleep 3 hours straight at night!)

Post minutes nap he was quite snuggly though. Such a rarity that everyone notices and expresses jealousy. Look at that hair growing in! May need a cut soon...

We FINALLY made it to Wednesday adoration and low Mass today! I've been trying so hard as I am so desperate for resolution of Judah's food issues, as well as better sleep. I remind myself that he's doing SO well compared to what we were prepared for that I shouldn't complain. But it's still hard. Mama is tired and misses food. Here's hoping my prayers will be answered soon, clearly not tonight as he's already been up twice since we got home. But that face.  I wish I could hold a sleeping baby every day of my life. There's just nothing like the peace and love it fills you with. Our God is so good. So faithful. So loving. Being a mother has been the greatest gift God has bestowed on me (thus far. I do hear grandkids are somehow more amazing.) And this little guy just fills us all up in this house. He's a blessing like no other. 

Can't you just feel his peace? Sleeping in the presence of Jesus has got to be pretty stellar. 

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