Friday, October 8, 2021

Happy 20th, Jonah!

Not sure how it's possible,  but this "kid" is no longer a teen! He also got glasses this week. (He only wears them to drive out use the computer but I asked for a picture with them.)

He's keeping busy these days working 3 days a week at a homeschooling hybrid program, as well as taking 3 college classes and he's the Cadet commander for our CAP Squadron.  When he isn't at one of those or prepping to teach/ doing homework, he's probably playing with Judah or running to the grocery store for this 2 items I must have for dinner... and a carton of ice cream.  

Speaking of ice cream, he picked pumpkin ice cream for dessert. I somehow managed to make a homemade pumpkin custard, but the consistency seemed off. The only one who mentioned it was Micah- he said it was strangely gritty. Certainly didn't keep him from eating it,  though!
We're proud of the man he's becoming and excited to see what the future holds for him. 

The immediate future is bright- He's headed to Columbus tomorrow with Bryan for his first ever Buckeyes game!

Can't forget this sweetheart today.  I love spit bubbles...
Then get realized I was looking at him and he traded the bubbles for a smile. Pretty great, as well.

Don't mind Micah's grumpy face, he doesn't like photos.  But he a sweet big brother who loves to read to his little brothers!

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