Friday, July 2, 2021

Sweet Jude.

This kid is doing so awesome. Last I weighed him, he was over 18 pounds. He's rolling around like crazy. Reaching and grabbing with intentionality. Sits SO well by himself. He can bend forward and grab something and sit back up. Turns and twists, usually knocking himself over in a controlled manner going about his business like nothing happened. He's definitely found his voice, which did result in having to leave Mass last week, but is such a sweet sound. 

I love that it never gets old watching kids learn and grow. We all get so excited watching him learn something new. And that smile...melts the coldest of hearts. 

Well I haven't heard I'm bored in a few days...but also, my house looks like this. 

He woke from his nap when he rolled himself over. He does NOT sleep on his belly at all. And so it begins...

Elijah-What?! We are eating on the CHINA tonight?! 
No, that's not China. Those are just our everyday plates.
E- but it's so fancy! 

Clearly an upgrade from the plain (cheap) glass plates we've been using for the last year. Even to the 8yo. 

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