Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Exciting Day!

When you look tired WHILE you're probably need some serious sleep. 

Just enjoying that lake-front property that I didn't even have to pay a premium for!

Still sleeping! He slept in until 930! We had a rough night,  so I don't doubt he needed the extra sleep. Can't say I wouldn't have appreciated more myself...

And he was back asleep before I finished helping Bryan put our bed together. Just poof, went to sleep with Jonah. Hope that magic happens again soon!

Aren't they adorable?!

After their nap,  it was lunchtime! And Judah got to try some baby oatmeal. He couldn't really figure out that swallow part,  but he loved it! So much so,  that he threw his bowl on the floor and shattered it when it ran out. (Kinda. I let him get too close, and before I could blink, he'd sent that sucker flying.)

By the Grace of God, and undoubtedly a fair amount of intercession from St Anthony, we (Bryan)found the hardware today to the beds. It was in a box marked junk drawer. I'm actually kinda surprised he even opened it to look, as that is precisely the kind of box he would pretend to have never noticed (so he didn't have to unpack it.) Ironically enough, he packed that box....

Selah was earning her keep today, helping her dad put her room together. They even installed her fan.  Unfortunately, it isn't exactly working post-installation, but hopefully that can be remdied tomorrow!

It's quite the looker. 
The boys almost have a bed to sleep on! Too bad there are a fair number of missing cams and therfore Bryan is on a scavenger hunt to track some more down. Soooo close, though. And maybe we can get a dresser in there tomorrow and deal with the rest of the mess. 

They made a lot of progress. We should be done before she's 13... just kidding. Maybe by the end of this weekend? 

This.  It's been over a year since we've had a real bed. It seems silly,  but it feels so nice!

Praying tomorrow is as productive!

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