Tuesday, July 6, 2021


No one wanted to get up this morning! Judah woke up madn so I got him a bottle and Bryan fed him. Elijah snuck in and tucked himself in. I was pumping and the next thing I know, they're all back asleep. Bryan and Judah slept in until 930! Crazy weekend catch-up was needed!

Micah isn't the sleeping in type. He got up and made some waffles. For the third day in a row. I got smart this time, and had him make extra and threw them in the freezer. (Too much clean up every day!)

We're still desperately looking for the hardware to put together furniture. Usually, we tape it to the items but that was not the case this time. (It's been a year, it's hard to remember what happened!)

 We think it may be all in a box together and we haven't found said box, nor does it appear to be marked. Soooo...Bryan's been on a mission to open every box until we find it. Only about 270 left to check. 

Kids are enjoying the adventure. They all dressed up as ninjas to assist...

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