Monday, July 19, 2021

The sun has been orange in the mornings and evenings for the last few days. Kinda makes you wonder what pollution is causing that but it's pretty nonetheless. I wish the flooding would go away over there, it's like living next to a swamp with the frogs and whatnot. And probably Mosquito heaven, though we clearly still have no grass so we aren't outside enjoying the evening yet. 

I know her room is half the size it was in CO. And her closest is probably 1/8 the size. But I still don't get the mess. I cleaned out and packed her room when we were selling in CO! How does she still have so much stuff there's no where to put it?!
One of these days I'll get caught up enough everywhere else to have a minute (or 240) to help her in here. 

Until then...I guess this is what I get with "it's clean!" (Don't worry, the boxes are just out of sight. They aren't unpacked...)

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