Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Micah has a bed!

I finally managed to get Micah's crib together...well, adjust Selah's crib for Micah would be more accurate. I haven't had time to make him bedding (not sure why!) But I found some that some friends had given us when we had Jonah. Unfortunately, I now remember why we didn't use it with Noah-it doesn't work on our crib. It doesn't safely attach, though I could probably just alter it so it would...
Nevertheless, Noah and Selah just didn't have bumpers and that was fine. But I figure that bumpers will be more necessary with Micah to prevent little hands from trying to touch him while sleeping. And my friend Melissa sent that BEAUTIFUL blanket you see, which is my inspiration for the bedding I'm going to make (God-willing.) I absolutely love the blue, I'm not sure the pictures do it justice, but it is just the most gorgeous blue ever. Hopefully I will have pictures of his new bedding before Bryan returns to work!

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