Thursday, December 24, 2009

Great Wolf Lodge

So there's always a story, right?  And sometimes they're pretty good.  Well, this one is sure to amuse at least a few of you...

We planned a trip to Niagra Falls for the weekend before Micah was born.  Bryan and the kids have never been there, and since we are not excited about traveling with both Selah and Micah, we decided to take a quick trip up there.  Since Bryan is still job-hunting, we know that if we don't go now, it may come down to us never getting there. (Kind of like how we lived in GA for 3.5 years and never made it to Savannah.  I'm still a little bitter.)

So Bryan took Friday off, and we had the car packed and kids loaded and we were on our way by 9 am.  (Impressive, eh?)  And we stopped at Meijer to grab a couple snacks and get gas.  And then, while I was in Meijer, Bryan happened to look at the passports...and wouldn't you know...his was expired .  (Funny thing was, I checked mine and the kids', but never did check his.)

Of course, we had already paid for a hotel (with an indoor waterpark) and all that good stuff.  Needless to say, we were all a little upset, but since the car was already packed for a trip, we decided to try to go somewhere else.  (Thankfully we figured this out BEFORE we crossed the border and Bryan was stuck in Canada!  And we were grateful that the hotel let us change our reservation so we weren't out the money- but now we will have to take Micah with us!)

We have heard wonderful things about Great Wolf Lodge from multiple friends, and decided to try out the one in Sandusky, Ohio.  What a place!  The kids were so thrilled, and everyone (save maybe the woman who was 39 weeks pregnant) had a great time!  Here's a few pictures from our experience.


I don't think I'm going to like this...

Daddy never lies, right?

Yeah, those ARE pretty cool!

Slides are my favorite thing EVER!

But sometimes I get a little scared and need a hug from my dad.

The "treehouse"
(That's Jonah in front in the orange shorts.)

A little snuggle time in the hot tub before dinner.

Jonah made some friends.

Having a BLAST!
(As you can kind of see through the window, the slide goes outside.  But they said it didn't get cold.)

Daddy convinced Noah to ride the big slides.
Notice you can't see him?
He's under the water.

That will probably never happen again! He was quite upset!

Jonah coming down the slide that is pitch black inside.

Daddy made quite a splash.

Gotta make sure it's safe for the little ones!

Noah's a little gun-shy after that last one!

The best way to go- not scary at all!

Then there's this big bucket that fills with water, and an alarm goes off before it dumps.  No matter where she was when she heard it, Selah had to try to watch it dump.  She was totally enthralled! So before we left, Daddy took her over to it.

Just waiting.
(Jonah is in the orange shorts on the left side of the group.)

It's coming!

Oh boy!

That's a LOT of water!

They are going to be WET!

Whew, we stayed safe back here!

That was cool! Let's do it again!

Noah stayed dry for this one!

One last run through.

Nice and warm.
No tears allowed or we can't come back again!

BYE waterpark!
I had fun playing in you!

Do we have to leave? 
I'm really not that cold!

Okay, maybe I was a little cold.

The lobby was really neat, and all decorated for Christmas.  Bryan took the kids up there to take pictures while I packed up.  Unfortunately, he didn't take any pictures of the lobby itself, but I guess the kids are cuter anyway...

Keeping warm by the fire.

This was a little too much like sitting on Santa's lap for Selah's liking.

It was a great "last weekend with 3 kids" and we hope to make this at least a yearly trip- WHAT FUN!

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