Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas part 1...

Santa came!

This year's "gingerbread house!"
I wasn't even going to pretend I had time to actually make a gingerbread house.  Plus, the kids and Bryan always have fun making these kind of kits.
And we ran out of time to make Santa some cookies, so we just left our "house" on the table for him to nibble on.  Apparently he was full and didn't try it.

It seems that Noah wasn't too far off when he asked what we would do if Santa's presents didn't fit in the house.  "Benefits" of a small living room, I guess.  Makes it look like there are a TON of presents since you can hardly walk through the room!

The presents from Santa aren't wrapped these days.  Less stressful that way.  The boys got pirate ships and a "tower of doom."  I wish we would get to see their faces when they see them! (They are allowed to open their stockings and play with their Santa gifts before we get up. So we kind of miss out on those- but get a little more sleep, so it's an even trade, I guess!)

More to come once the morning comes...

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