Tuesday, December 1, 2009

a little update...

I apologize for the lack of blogging lately. In addition to every thing else, we now have no internet access except on my phone, as our laptop is fried. Really annoying, let me tell you.
But we do have an induction date of December the 15th for Micah. (Or me, I guess...depends on how you look at that.) That is 2 weeks from today, much to my relief. I am absolutely miserable and the fear if 4 kids is cannot compete with my misery!
So, on a different note, we thought it would be fun to have a contest to see who can guess Micah's weight. To make it fair for those who haven't been around for the last 8 years, I'll give you the stats on the last 3, though I'm not sure that would help.
Jonah was 9 lbs. 5 oz. & 21.5 inches.
Noah was 8 lbs. 9 oz. & 21.5 inches.
And sweet little Selah was 7 lbs. 8 oz. & 18.5 inches.
So the wonder is, will he continue the trend and be a pound smaller, as all the previous? (I hope not because 6 lbs is scary little to me!) Or will he be the biggest yet? OR will he chose to fall somewhere in the middle?
So leave a comment or send an email and give your guess. The person closest wins the prize...you'll be the first one called when he's born! (Sorry to disappoint but baby+Christmas= cheap prizes!)
I know some of you would like to see the belly, but I'm just not big on that kind of torture. We always take a picture the night before, but I doubt I'll be posting that. It's scary! I will say that I have lots of new stretch marks, much to my dismay. I would have thought by #4 my skin would be plenty stretched out. Apparantly not- sigh.
And we'd appreciate all prayers for a safe delivery & healthy baby. Check back here or on facebook around lunchtime on the 15th for pictures. (I'm a bit optomistic that it'll be another quick delivery.)
Of course, I could probably save my self some trouble & just post pictures of Jonah, Noah, and/or Selah & say they were Micah- seeing as how they've all looked so much alike so far!


anitagwheeler said...
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September said...

Each of my kids has been a pound bigger than the previous. That's why I'm scared to go to #4 since Nathaniel was 8lb 6oz. No 9lb babies for me!!!
Benjamin was 6lbs and I liked that size. Don't be afraid of it I think that was my favorite.
As for my guess...I'm going to say 9lbs even.
Good luck!
Have you always had to be induced?

Jamie said...

Okay, first of all...I PLAN on putting a package in the mail to you on Saturday. So, Micah will have a few new things before he is actually here. Second, when in the world are you going on your mini adventure, and fill me in.
And third, I will have to make a guess. I am thinking...
8lbs. 6oz. & 21 inches long. I'll be waiting for my phone call on December 15th!

growmyown said...

You definitely have prayers coming your way from Ohio. You always do. I hope you also have family coming your way to help you out when you get home. God bless you with a healthy beautiful and fat baby. 8 pounds 11 ounces is my guess.

Sarah said...

Sarah said this...:)
Well, here's the thing with little babies- they look/feel like they're going to break! Jonah & Noah weren't scary at all, but Selah was a little scary. And a 6 pounder- yikes! (Of course delivery would be significantly easier I would imagine.)But I have been induced with all of them, Jonah at 4 days late and Noah at 10. With Selah, the doctor only did inductions on Tuesdays and we decided to go with an elective induction since the other two were inductions and she was 3 days early. With all the junk from the fifth disease with her, we just wanted her out so we knew she was healthy. And since it's the same doctor with Micah, it's again Tuesdays and my choices are the 15th or the 22nd. I am not going to intentionally risk being in the hospital for Christmas, so the 15th it is! He'll be 4 days early. I have come to like inductions because it is easier to figure out what to do with the other kids! Jamie, I'll email you! Thanks Mrs. P! Bryan is taking about 4 weeks off, so hopefully by the time he goes back I'll have figured out how to do this...it can't be that hard, right? Hahahaha...

Love of lilacs said...

Sarah- PLEASE know you guys can call me if you need anything!!!!! YOU HAVE MY NUMBER!!!

Also my guess is 8 pounds 4 ounces 21 inches!!!