Monday, September 8, 2008

In Honor of Selah...

Thanks to Jamie, I found this pretty layout. I know that it doesn't fit the FAMILY, but we've been blue for 7 years, I figure we can be pink for a little bit! (Layout is courtesy Allie Brown, I am not that talented, nor do I have that much time!)

Things here are going okay. I spend most of my time feeding Selah and trying to spend the little time that is left eating, with the boys or , when I am really lucky, grabbing a shower! I hate to wish away time with her, as it goes quickly enough as it is, but October sounds really good to me right now!

Bryan has done all of the cooking, Jonah's schoolwork, most of the picking up, and is still trying to squeeze time in with Noah and Selah! (Basically he has become Mommy!) I think that he is glad that he is the one who gets to go to work in a week.

Selah is sweet,, though all she does is eat, sleep or cry. If she is awake, she wants to be eating, even if that is what she has done for the last hour. No pacifier because of the jaundice (supposed to wait 3 weeks if you are nursing anyway, don't know that we will make it that long!), so we listen to her cry as long as we can, and then I go feed her. I know that it will get better, so we are toughing it out.

The boys, are of course sick. Why not? Probably got it from their 2 hour visit to the germy old hospital. I just pray they are better before Bryan goes back to work, or I may just lose my mind. Noah is whiny, and Jonah is mad because he cannot go near Selah. I think we will be staying in this winter!

I will post pictures later, the camera is upstairs, and I am too lazy to get it!

I apologize for not responding to emails or phone calls yet. I will get back to you all soon (I still have thank yous from Noah's Bday to write, not to mention Selah's!) I have received your well wishes and we appreciate them!

1 comment:

Strawser 6 said...

i LOVE the pink. That's my favorite part of having a girl...something other than red/blue/green etc.
By the way...I'll put another box in the mail tomorrow! Hope Selah likes clothes!