Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Post- Stent Removal Ultrasound

Judah had an ultrasound of his urinary tract yesterday. It was a follow up to see what things looked like post-stent removal.  Some good news,  some bad.  The right kidney has improved some since the ultrasound in the ER back in March. There's still too much fluid (hydronephrosis) and there's dilation of the ureter,  but it's not severe. 

The left side,  has even more fluid and dilation than the last look. The hydronephrosis is severe and the ureter is once again dilated and torturous (as it was pre-reconstruction.) I snuck a picture of the left  because that was up on the screen when the tech went to check with the doc that they had what they needed.  The black spots are fluid. 

For comparison, this is a normal/ healthy kidney image I stole off the internet. You can see there are just little pockets of fluid. 

We also stopped by the lab to get his bloodwork that was long overdue.  I hoped it would go well being at the children's hospital but it did not. 5 pokes, lots of digging, and almost an hour later....we had success. This poor child. The hardest part of all that we've been through with him is definitely feeling like a bad guy holding him down for procedures. Don't look into his eyes, it will crush you to your soul. 

A number of things are flagged in his bloodwork reports that I received, but I'll wait to speculate on all of those concerns until I hear from the doctor. He sees his urologist next week and I expect the nephrologist will call in the next couple of days (as she ordered the bloodwork.) Please pray for wise counsel from both of those docs. 

Thankfully, he bounced back quickly from the pokes. We spent a few minutes outside in the garden before heading home. All that screaming and sweating does make pretty curls!

He enjoyed his popsicle when we he got home even though he had already forgotten the trauma. (I hope.)

Least favorite part of my day. This was the van- the truck cost me 150 last week. Between the cost of groceries and gas, I sure wish we could sit home and live off air. But I know everyone else is dealing with the same, this is more for the sake of future memories.

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