Thursday, June 23, 2022

No News is Good News

I'm sorry it'll be quick again,  it's late and I'm so tired. 

Judah woke up happy this morning with no fever. Temp was 97.5 at the hospital.  Nurse was great getting the sample.  The quick test in office looked okay, some blood but nothing alarming.  Sent off for urinalysis and culture and sent home. I was second guessing myself again, even though there's no better explanation for all of his symptoms. And he was 101 last night. 

Will hear more tomorrow, but I'm still pretty sure it's a UTI. Bacteria seen under microscope. Luekocytes are high.  Smaller amount of  blood (could be from catheter.) Still most likely scenario. 

He's much better today. Clingy and quiet, but not glossy-eyed and no fever. Went to the park with our homeschooling group and he wouldn't leave me at all, not even to play on the playground with his siblings. He nibbled a little, still doing okay on fluids. Dinner he actually ate a few bites of food, but still very little.  I'm grateful to still be nursing so at least he is getting some nutrition. 

I can't post a picture because my phone is so full it won't allow any photos. Really hope to get that cleared this weekend, but here's a few older ones for good measure.  It just goes so fast.  

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