Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Needing some Prayers, Once Again

Judah's been having a rough week.  He hasn't been eating or drinking much and he's had an intermittent fever. We met with Dr Park today (urologist) and it seems likely he got an UTI. Taking him in for a urine culture in the morning. Please pray it goes smoothly and that they get accurate results from the sample.

Today's he's been pretty bad.  Fever never broke until bedtime when I gave motrin.  He ate basically nothing today, though he drank all of his bottles and nursed so much that I didn't have any to freeze (so 6-10 ounces more than I normally try to feed via bottle PLUS he rarely finishes his bottles these days.) Pray he continues to keep up the good work with his fluids, at least. 

He also slept a ton today. He just seemed sick.   He's been up twice in the first 90 minutes of me putting him to bed. Last night was bad with a 30 min scream fest at 3 am.  I could use better sleep with all the driving tomorrow. 

Doc had more to say but I'm just too tired. Overall things are okay. We will see how they are in the morning.  

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