Saturday, February 20, 2021

Jude the Dude

Elijah would hold Judah all day, if Judah would let him. He is obsessed with being a big brother. He has given him the nickname "Jude the Dude" to go with his own self-given nickname of "EJ the DJ." 

Here he is,  just soaking it all in. 

It's rather difficult to get him to sleep with his foot elevated. Finally successful. 

There's nothing more precious than a sleeping baby. 

When we found out about the club foot and I did a bunch of research, I was so upset about not getting to enjoy those little baby feet. I'm obsessed with baby feet, it's not a secret. 

And one of my favorite things about babies is that they tuck their little feet up and make a little ball on your chest. 

For these 2 reasons, I enjoyed having those 4 weeks without a cast. And I am trying to enjoy the one foot while I can. Plus, in only 3 more months, we should get to see those feet when he is awake, at least. 

But they're still pretty cute these days. 

His little hands are also precious. 
As is him sleeping. 

A little more love for Jude-the-Dude by EJ-the-DJ.

This poor child is constantly feeling.... worried, confused, overwhelmed... it's rough being the youngest.  Especially when you're number 6 and the youngest by 8 years. Everyone things you're their personal toy doll. 

I kinda caught a smile! Just missed half his face in the rush. 

Almost got one here. 

Micah and Judah having some quiet time rocking. 

It was our last family game night in VA. Catan was the pick. 


They can't just smile at the camera.  Or anyone. Ever. (Or so it seems.)

Judah didn't like being left out of family night. Jonah was happy to include him.  

Perhaps only the second picture of all 6 kids.  Can't wait for the weather to improve so we can go outside and take some nice pictures!

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