Monday, July 28, 2014

Today's the day!

Elijah has his scope this morning. We started off on a bad foot as he woke up before I was totally ready to go. And he was super mad that I wouldn't get back in bed with him and feed him. He was screaming and thrashing and I was sweating and out of breath the time we got to the door. Then I had to strap him into his car seat. Rough, but we survived. And he only screamed for the first 10 minutes of the drive and then was asleep by 20 minutes in and slept the rest of the way. Too bad in our mad (not hectic, just mad baby mad) rush out the door I forgot I never ate or packed breakfast (for me, he can't eat). Or my phone changer. Or Elijah's shoes. But I have the kid, so I guess it's all good enough! Here's to some answers!

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