Saturday, July 12, 2014

Ee Ot

When Noah was little, he used to say it's hot, "Ee Ot." Bryan and I still jokingly say that often. I've realized why that is the number one phase we remember from Noah at 2 (or perhaps one). We lived in Georgia. It was hot. ALL. THE. TIME.

Yesterday, we hung out at Fort Jackson, SC for a little bit while Daddy worked. We were at the outdoor part of the  museum because the indoor museum was already closed for the day. There was a little playground, plus the vehicles so it was fun. And we were there about 30 minutes when,

Selah: Mom, it's hot. Like, I'm just water. That's it. I'm serious. Feel me. I'm just water.

The killer is, I think it was only 80 degrees. The sun is so much hotter in the south, and the humidity is crazy all the time. It wasn't just whiny kids, it really was HOT compared to what we're used to. We were all sweaty and sticky. Thankfully the air conditioning in the car works!

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