Saturday, July 12, 2014

I-20 exit 194

That was our exit in Georgia. It was very strange to be back in Augusta. So much has changed.

But one thing that hasn't was perpetual adoration at St Mary on the Hill. I haven't been able to find one in Michigan, though I do know of a couple(not close) churches that do have occasional adoration. It's amazing to me the instant comfort found in the presence. We took the kids who were all quiet and good. Elijah got antsy so Bryan took him and Selah and Micah out. Jonah left shortly thereafter.

After a few more minutes I motioned to Noah that it was time to go. (Mind you it's totally silent in there and there are a few other people.)
He says, "but I'm not done praying!"
I quickly motion for him to continue and he says, "it's okay, I still have 4 decades to go. I'll do the rest in the car."

He's 8. He is contemplating the priesthood. I love it.

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