Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A pile of delays

We had quite the adventurous trip down to west Virginia. It took  11 hours to get there (should be about 7 hours drive time). First we hit rush hour in Detroit, which surprised us at 630 am. Then we sat in traffic because of an accident, it took almost 2 hours to drive about 5 miles. Mind you, we were still in Michigan and hadn't yet had breakfast! Thankfully, the kids were excited and stayed occupied sleeping (Elijah), playing video games (Jonah, Noah, Micah), and watching movies (Selah). Lastly, we got caught sitting on the highway that they closed for life flight to land. There wasn't an accident, at least not on our road, but an ambulance came up from a side road and met the helicopter. Guess that's how it works in the country.

But we made it safely to west Virginia, so that's all water under the bridge now, eh?

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