Monday, February 15, 2010

On the topic of Valentine's Day...

I just had to share something from a friend's blog.  (Because I know people are going to ask...We met Dave and Melissa in GA, Jonah played soccer with their oldest, Ashlyn.)  Click HERE to see what Dave made Melissa for V-day.  I think it is totally awesome!  (I am with Melissa that flowers this time of year are a serious waste of money, and I love Doritos, so this is just cool all the way around to me.)

1 comment:

Jamie said...

That is just awesome! And not only that he knew she loved doritos. but that he spent the time to MAKE her something to suprise her with! Usually i get the 9pm the night before "I have to go get milk" and then find bags and trash in his truck the next day that he forgot to clean up! ha ha.
I still love him...but I think I might love him a TAD bit more if he made me doritos roses!