Sunday, February 21, 2010

Micah's Two Months Old

Micah turned 2 months on Monday.  Hard to believe.  Sometimes it seems like he's been here forever, and others like we just brought him  home.  He had his well-visit today.  His "stats" are
13 lbs 1 oz (almost 75th percentile)
25 inches long (97th percentile)
16 1/2 inches around his head  (90th percentile)
So now I can understand why he looks so skinny to us.  His is super long and not that heavy!
He is doing SO much better.  I am able to set him down more and more.  I think that this is a combination of him getting older and cutting the milk out.  His rash is barely there, and he spends very little time fussing for no reason now.  (Unfortunately, the doctor said not to try to reintroduce milk until at least 4 months.  Which feels like forever, but we will get there.)  Of course, his sister or brothers swarm him as soon as I put him down so I usually have to rescue him.  In other words, I am still not getting anything done.  I feel like a hamster in a wheel.  I am constantly going, but can't seem to every get anywhere.  But soon they will all leave me, and I won't care that I have a clean house, so I am trying to enjoy it.
He smiles and coos, does a good job of holding his head up and does NOT like to be left alone in the room.  He wants to be a part of the action!  He's a sweet baby, and once he gets OUT of MY bed, he'll be just about perfect.

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