Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So I finally decided that this no milk thing just really been awful and it was too stressful considering it could not even be the cause.  His rash still differs daily and although after the first couple of days I was convinced milk was the cause since he looked better, but now I am not so sure.  Yesterday was probably the worst I have seen it, but today might actually be the best.  I called the doctor's office and left a message yesterday with the nurse to see if I could get the blood allergy panel ordered without coming in for a visit (the co-pays are killing me.)  They finally called back today and told me that he is too young for an allergy test as he still  has a lot of anitgens from me in his system.  We have to wait until 3 months.  Considering he is not even 2 months, this is daunting information.  I mentioned trying to cut out wheat as well (second most common allergen) but the nurse said that it would be too hard on me to do both as there would be nothing left for me to eat.  She's right, and I have lost 6 pounds already by cutting out all milk.  So as much as this sucks, I have to keep it up at least a little while longer and I'm looking at the positive.  Once I start exercizing the pounds should really drop off with no milk products in the picture!  And since I haven't gotten to wear my old clothes since 2007, I'm ready to run!  (Too bad it's SO cold.)

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