Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The new place

Oops! That's not it. That's just a house we saw driving around the other day. Someday, maybe...I bet it has 5 bedrooms!
I don't have a picture of the outside of the condo, and I am not going out in my PJs to take one. Sorry, you will just have to wait. It's not all that impressive anyway.
Here's why you haven't heard from us in awhile, and why you probably won't hear from us for awhile yet.
This is the view from the front door, the living room and dining area.

The view from the other corner. The living room/Selah's room. (See the crib hiding back there? Don't worry, we moved all that stuff, especially the ladder, before putting her to bed last night!)

This is the hallway from the bedrooms looking into the living room. The kids were all asleep, so there aren't any pictures of the bedrooms.

The bottom of the stairs to the basement.

The first view of the basement. (I think my kids have too many Legos!)

Looking at the "laundry room" (aka washer & dryer at the end of the room.)

The kitchen.
So be patient. I still have not found the dishes, or anything else I seem to need, and for some reason my family thinks it more important that I feed them 3 meals and 2 snacks than blog. Geez. Not to mention we are all (except Bryan-GRRRR) still sick here.
We will post some more pictures once you can actually see the house. (And yes, we have an enormous storage unit that most of our stuff is in. And no, we haven't heard anything about a job out west, yet.)


Love of lilacs said...

K, I almost DIED and was going to tell Frank were moving into a condo! That was good.

Beth said...

These pictures look familiar! Hang in there!