Monday, May 16, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away....

Little Mikey wants to play!!

He was just standing at the window with his shoes, jabbering about something.

Then he tried to put his shoes on while standing up.

 Laughing with Jonah because it seems easier just to put the foot on the shoe rather than the shoe on the foot.

 We brought the "jumpy toy" back out for a friend's baby, and the kids can't stay out of it.  Micah and Selah are constantly in it or fighting over it, and I've evn caught Noah in there a time or two!
 Only problem is, while he can get himself in, he can't get himself out!
 Climbing in already again.
This time he got both feet stuck in one hole.
Funny kid.
Could be quite a long, rainy day here...

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