Monday, May 1, 2023

Oh Happy Day! (Unless You're Micah...or Elijah.)

This is the Joy-filled face of a kid who finally slept. He could not keep quiet during the rosary. He had so much energy this morning, I don't think he knew what to do with himself. 

Mom. You can come down here and read this with me. It's okay. The vacuum won't get you! 
The robot vacuum hasn't run in a couple of weeks, but he hasn't forgotten it. He also always tells us we CAN do whatever it is he wants. "You can get me breakfast." "You can carry me." "You can read this book to me." It always makes us laugh. 

Micah was having a rough day with his science. Actually,  it's a rough year.  It's mostly about the human body and it all freaks him out. He's more squeamish than anyone I've ever known. 

So we sped through the chapter in bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles today and took the test so he can forget it all immediately. Of course, the next chapter probably isn't any better....

Motivated child right here. I had to make her stop doing school at 10pm. She doesnt get to go hang out with her friends tomorrow night if she isn't keeping up and she really wants to. I wish we could have had such motivation all year!
Not pictured, Elijah spent over an hour today peeling garlic so we could make Toum. But Noah had used all the lemons making himself glasses in lemonade. He worked so hard,  because he loves the stuff so much. Yes, Elijah, who is perhaps pickier than Noah lists garlic sauce as a favorite food. Guess it'll be off to the grocery tomorrow morning for lemons! 

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