Wednesday, April 19, 2023

First Try!!

Thank you all who have prayed for an easy blood draw! It was miraculous,  they got it on the first try. Less than 5 minutes, I would guess, and the whole thing was over. It wasn't a fun or easy 5 minutes, especially after seeing the nephrologist,  but it was a huge win! 

Judah hates band-aids. He just wanted the band-aid off and wouldn't move or use his arm until it was gone. 

When we got to car to drive between the medical building and the hospital (not far, but it was too cold to walk!) He asked me where we could get him some French fries. 

Not what I would call a healthy lunch, but after the blood draw I was happy to oblige. Especially since he didn't eat breakfast. He ate almost a whole large fry from Burger King! And then a package of Raspberries when we got home. Here's hoping dinner is a bit healthier! 

(Also, I'm pretty sure he was close to falling asleep, hence the wonky head. It was an exhausting morning. They also weighed him and measured him and even listened to his lungs and peeked at his belly! The nerve of these doctors.)
No real news from Nephrology. She reviewed his ultrasound imaging from last month and obviously ordered blood. She was okay with the ultrasound,  assuming the bloodwork is good. The "mildly echogenic" spots in the parenchyma didn't worry her, it really just depends what the creatine and C- Statin levels are in his blood. 

Hopefully unrelated to Prune Belly, we had fevers during the night. He was totally cool and normal by morning with no concerns other than refusing breakfast (eggs, which are his favorite and a rare treat because I'm pretty sure that is what is causing excema on his neck.) In the past, this has often been the first sign of a UTI brewing, so pray if that is the case we can treat it ASAP to avoid hospitalization! 

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