Saturday, February 29, 2020

Fast- paced Saturday Fun

I never get sick of gazing at this mountain. I wish I could see it from my bed (well, I could if I moved my bed closer to the window.) But I have great views from my chairs in my bedroom as well as the living room, dinner table, and even the kitchen.  I'm not complaining,  I love it and take advantage daily!

We made a healthy chocolate cup cookie dough dip today, from chickpeas. It was so good and you'd never know there were chickpeas.  

We also celebrated the end of the indoor soccer season here today. I seem quite glad as it has made things very hectic. They all played well and more importantly had a blast. And yes,  everyone gets a trophy here.  
We followed that chaos with game night at the church with other homeschooled children. The kids always have fun at that but I don't usually take pictures when other people's kids are involved so you'll have to imagine it.

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