Thursday, February 20, 2020

Sunsets, Air Force One, and Legos Make For A Good Day

The king of photo bombs around here.

Selah was very proud of her newest creation. She did a great job building it and an even better job sharing with her brothers.
we've been having a rough go lately. Not sure if he's under the weather, missing his dad,  or just kinda spoiled.  But there's been more daily tantrums than the average 3 year old.
He's learned to hide when the camera comes out while he's upset.
That was the third.  Before lunch.
But the day improved with the sunset!
I went outside to run,  despite the fact it was 20 degrees, and was rewarded with a gorgeous view. 
President Trump was in town,  so there was security everywhere. (Helicopter over mountains.)

Took the kids to see Air Force One parked out back after their lesson.  They were impressed but hoped for a glimpse of the president.

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