Friday, February 28, 2020

Backseat Driver

Took this cutie to Costco with me this evening. (Random picture that Noah took of him today.)

Driving home we had this conversation-
E: Mom, what's the speed limit? 
Me: 55
E: oh, well you're doing pretty good. You're only sometimes going one over that. But maybe you want to slow down a little so when you're going one more it's just the speed limit. You should go 54.
....A minute later....
E: Mom. You better hope there's no police around here. You're going 59! 
Me: yes, but everyone around me is going even faster so it's unlikely I'd get a ticket. 
E: yeah, well that doesn't make it okay! 

Point taken.  I went the speed limit or LESS the rest of the way home. 

We also made homemade Brazilian cheese bread today. (If you haven't heard, they're naturally GF and all the Brazilian steak houses serve them.) We buy them at Costco but even there they are stupidly expensive. The homemade ones got 2 thumbs up from the kids. Better than the store bought ones. There were 2 left tonight attend they were already asking when I was making then again. Tomorrow, perhaps? 

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