Thursday, May 15, 2014

Life with Noah

Noah: Mom, I'm going to try something new, is called no-dirt-pile sweeping.
Me: (distracted, making dinner, trying to deal with a baby with a split lip )
Great. Thanks, Noah.

A few minutes later, Noah goes running down the hallway with the broom. Runs back into the dining room empty handed.

Lightbulb goes off in my head.
Me: Noah, did you saw you were "no-dirt-pile" sweeping?

Noah: yep. Worked great!
Me: so that means you didn't use a dust pan for the dirt?
Noah: nope!
Me: so...what did you do with the dirt?
Noah: ummm...
Me: you didn't sweep it down the air vents did you?!?
Noah: ummm...
Me: seriously?? Noah, you can't do that!
Noah: well it's dirty in there anyway!
Oh. My. Word.

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