Sunday, April 13, 2014

Gooder Than Brownies

In celebration of Jonah's half birthday this past Tuesday, that we weren't able to celebrate until Saturday, we made peanut butter fudge with chocolate swirls. While it's more crumbly than I think it should be, it's quite delicious. I'm unsure if the crumbliness is due to it being dairy free or the fact I added the chocolate. Either way, the texture did not affect Selah's opinion in the least. Our conversation was a bit entertaining:

Selah: Mommy, did you make this fudge or did you buy it?
Me: I made it.
Selah: oh, Mommy! Thank you so much! You are the best mom I've ever had! (Lucky for me, I've had no competition.)
Me: Thanks, Selah. I'm glad you like it. Selah: I love it! It's gooder than brownies! No. It's gooder than anything I've ever had before! (Mind you, the kids have never had fudge.)

So I guess you could say it was well received. We also had steak, baked potatoes, and pasta salad. It was a compromise, as Jonah wanted crab legs and fried scallops! This child needs to live on the coast!

Hard to believe he's 12.5. The "teenage years"are now less than 6 months away...

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