Saturday, January 28, 2012

A clue?

Perhaps this picture from Thursday shows that I should have been a bit more aware of how the little guy was feeling. Micah and I had ourselves a trip to urgent care today...he, too, has a double ear infection. Jonah and Noah each had one or two- their whole lives! And I know that one of Noah's was actually an outer ear infection due to sand scratching the ear drum. But Selah and Micah have had tons. At least 3 or 4 a winter, each. Enough to be annoying but not enough for tubes, in my opinion. I do have an otoscope, though- thanks to Selah's uncanny ability to lodge items in various orfices- so at least I can usually tell it is indeed an ear infection before wasting time and money taking them in for nothing! Hopefully now that he's on antibiotics for his ears and he's back on medication for his reflux, he'll be sleeping, eating, and playing better. As in, not needing to be laying on Mommy for any/all of the above.
I might miss the snuggling a little, but my house will be happy for some more attention as will the other kids.

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