Sunday, January 22, 2012

Another Trip to the Urgent Care

Poor Selah has double ear infections, again. This was the worst I've seen her. She came to me about 3:30 yesterday crying, "MOMMMMYYYY! My ear hurts! There's something in it!" Always a bit concerning considering the source. But since she has a cold, I was hoping it was "just" an ear infection. She then screamed for almost the next hour-it only took the first 5 minutes for Bryan and I to decide to take her in now. Who wants to listen to a 3 year old scream? She screamed the whole way there (about 15minutes), the whole time we filled out paperwork, the whole time in the waiting room, the whole time they did her vitals, and even after they put us in a room. That's not normal for Selah! (Drama queen that she can be!) They did give her some motrin and then I figured out Netflix has an app for my phone so I was able to turn on Dragon Tales for her to watch. And then she finally calmed down. Thankfully, there were no foreign objects in either ear, and a round of antibiotics should clear it up quickly. She's been fine ever since we left the urgent care last night.
Now Micah's the miserable one. Viruses and a bigger family with littler kids are always fun!

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