Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Enh enh!

Selah still loves to hold the baby. The problem is the baby doesn't love Selah holding him. Could be the way she smacks him the face, or that she steals his pacifier, or that she just has to grab his hands or feet, or maybe it's because she gets in his face and talks REALLY loudly. Whatever the reason, Micah tends to cry within the first minute or so. And when I take him back, so gets really upset and starts saying "enh, enh, enh!" And grabbing at him. It's really quite cute, for about 2 seconds, then it gets old. The worst part is that she will just randomly climb up in the glider and put the boppy on her lap and start yelling "enh, enh!" We might not even be in the room when she decides she wants to hold him.

1 comment:

Love of lilacs said...

aww, she loves her baby brother! So cute!