Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Off We Go!

To Puerto Rico! 
If nothing else, it's quite a bit warmer there. 
We left the house in amidst an ice storm, but made it to the airport without incident. 

Judah is way more chipper than the last time I woke him before the sun to catch a flight. However, he is not ready to get dressed yet.

Look! I'm like a sea turtle! 
(And then before I could stop him, he proceeded to drop to the floor and try to swim. He also found a spot of gum he wanted to get off the carpet. This is why I still put him in the carrier when we travel!)

Watching the airport plow trucks clearing the runway. There were 7, followed by some street sweeper looking things.  
Dad, this belt could cut playdoh! And then it would be messy and you would have to wash it! 
(Can you tell what his favorite past time is these days?)

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