Thursday, October 13, 2022

Judah Update.

We met with Dr Park (urologist) yesterday to review the results of last week's ultrasound. Despite the fact that the report didn't read great, he was happy with the imaging he saw. 

The left side (with the blockage) showed mild improvement compared to his presurgery imaging. Unfortunately, the parenchyma is still thinning. Additionally, the right side showed an increase in fluid.

Dr Park said when he combined the images that he looked at with the report that Judah is eating better and sleeping more comfortably, that was good news. We will remove the stent on the 17th of November and follow up with ultrasounds to watch the progress.

Unfortunately, I had a bunch of technical difficulties leading up to the call and wasn't mentally prepared to ask any of my questions! So for now, I guess we will stick with this and I will try to make time to gather the research regarding the necessity of cathing. 

Overall, he is doing SO well. I tried to weigh him this morning, but I guess he thought the scale was dangerous because he wouldn't stand on it. However, his cheeks seem to be plumping up and I'm optimistic that he's finally gaining some weight. He's been eating like a teenage boy ever since he recovered from surgery. It's a beautiful thing- having fought with him for so long just to eat a few bites! 

Here's a few pics from tonight as we hang out at Taekwondo. He was practicing his kicks and then telling the boys that he needed them when they came out to get gear.  

Finally he was yelling "Mikey, good job!" And " Lijey, good job!" As they jumped over the barricade. 

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