Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Great idea, Selah!

Micah walks in the kitchen and exclaims, "Selah! That's a GREAT idea!"
He's referencing the 3 step stools that she stacked on top of each other. What's the significance? They're trying you reach the ipod so they can play a game. It was actually quite funny as they were whispering back and forth, trying to sneak it out off the kitchen without me noticing. Of course, I'm listening to the radio on out, so if they were successful, I'd hear right away. And there is a password on it, so they couldn't play anything anyway.

Notice Selah built the tower to stand on, but Micah is the one actually standing on it. This is likely so she can honestly say, "Micah did it!" That child is trouble.

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