Friday, March 15, 2013

7 months!!

My baby is on the downslope to his first birthday. It's exciting, but it also makes me sad. It's very hard to enjoy him with Bryan gone, simply because I just don't have time. Being a "single Mom" of 5 is rough. I have a new appreciation for how much Bryan helps. Then throw in the homeschooling, and it starts to get insane. But what puts it over the top is all the food issues. I'm not exaggerating when I say I literally do not leave the kitchen except to take Elijah up to bed for naps. So, poor Elijah spends virtually the entire day in the kitchen, as well. Jonah will usually rescue him at some point and take him off to play for a bit. He's a sweet kid. (I was referring to Elijah,  but Jonah is, too!)
Today, Jonah fed Elijah his dinner, he's still just eating quinoa flakes and pears. They both seemed to do fine with the set up and I was able to make dinner!
Elijah also loves his baths. He usually talks up a storm, splashing the whole time!

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