Friday, June 3, 2011

Hospital Stay Days 3&4

Jonah is doing SO much better! All that Wii playing with his new friend (who sadly-for him- left yesterday afternoon) earned him quite a bit of swelling. But after a good night's sleep he is doing very well today. 
This has been a great opportunity to do a little fun learning for us.  Unfortunately the kit I brought in required more "at home" materials than I realized.  But we were able to learn about hinge joints and ball and socket joints and make a stethoscope that works!  Pretty fun stuff.

Thursday night Jonah was FINALLY hungry. He had grilled cheese (best ever), salad with Ranch (best salad and dressing ever), and both lemon meringue pie and Ben and Jerry's fudge brownie frozen yogurt. It was such a relief to see him eat! I told him he could even eat his dessert first but he saved it for last, anyway.  Such a good kid.

Once he managed to get in the chair yesterday he refused to get back in the bed. Said he was sleeping in the chair because the bed was too uncomfortable. I laughed becase that chair is SO not comfortable but he did sleep much better in it! Only problem was that he isn't really heavy enough to keep the chair back so it kept ending up in the sitting position and I had to keep pushing it back down. It was kind of funny, and he never seemed to notice!

The Punching Bag of Fury!
Everytime Jonah tries to walk around this thing swings and gets him in the face. It's been driving him nuts. But you can see how he is quite obviously feeling better to be goofing around like this!!

(Don't know why this keeps loading sideways, and I can't seem to rotate it.) But while they leg is still swollen, it is not swollen too badly anymore!

Still a little gross but looking SO much better.

This morning's project, Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter.  Knocked that out before 8 am!

Bored. Ready to go home or wishing someone would come play with him!

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