Saturday, July 13, 2024

Second Saturday in Italy Musings

 I have failed greatly at the updates thus far, and am truly sorry. I'm actually more sorry for my sake than yours!

We just moved to a foreign country and there is SO much to do. And I don't mean visiting incorrupt Saints. I mean boring stuff like paperwork and our 27th round of photos and going to the laundromat and more appointments. There has been almost no downtime, particularly when you consider trying to keep 4 kids entertained while living in a hotel.

There's been a lot of good shoved into the little moments of freetime, though. I'll try to get things shared as I can.

Some updates-

OUR VAN IS HERE!!!! We can now all travel together to get places and have more than 3 options for dinner! 

We have cell service! That is pretty life-altering, especially when sharing a car that requires multiple trips places because not everyone fits. (Oh, and having GPS because driving here is crazy and you certainly need some type of map!)We can't actually call the States yet though. Not sure why. What's app is the best way to reach us, and we have our stateside numbers linked to that. You can also text our stateside numbers, but calling won't work. We do have Italian numbers for emergencies, if you may need that reach out and I will give it to you.

We have looked at 5 houses so far...Sigh. I am doing my best to discern the right one- please pray for us! We have 2 favorites but they both have some big negatives so it is stressful trying to decide what will be best for 3 years. 

Bryan and I now both have our license that allows us to drive our car, so maybe I can blog a little while driving some of the time. Until yesterday, I had to drive anytime we went anywhere (either because we were taking 2 cars or because he wasn't allowed to drive our van yet. Yes, it is ours, but there are a lot of rules here and he had to have his license specific to the US military in Italy.)

I was probably kidding about blogging while driving unless we are on the autostrada. It is almost impossible to not have a nagivator while driving here. And a spotter. You think I am kidding, but I will try to get a video now that I have a new phone...the driving is insane. There are roundabouts and speed cameras and pedestrians and bicyclists and they are all everywhere at all times and you can't process it all!

Noah came to visit for the holiday weekend! It was so nice to see him. We went to downtown Vicenza, Padua (and saw St Anthony!), and Verona. Pictures to come. 

The middle three went to horse camp this past week. It was good to get them out of the hotel, but that also contributed to the lack of any downtime. 

To sum it all up, we love Italy! There is certainly a learning curve, the language and cultural differences are a bit overwhemling at times, but we are starting to figure some things out!

I'll leave you with Judah and more Gelato from last night! He loves the lemon Gelato. 

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