Tuesday, April 23, 2024

April Randomness

This is what happens when you are packing up your life. It's hard work!

Mom! I only like the sour cream part of those bagel things you bought. 
(The cream filling of the donuts. We're giving gluten and dairy a go. Mixed results. Not horrible, but he's itchy all the time and he isn't sleeping well- but then he never really has so.....)

Found this delivery guy on our way home from the church potluck....and he threw dirty dishes into our car! It was probably road rage since Bryan tried to run him off the road.

Mom, I want avocado toast for breakfast. And I want to make it myself! 

Jude, it's time to go upstairs. 
I can't! I'm sweeping the floor right now!
(Indoor street sweeper?)

Mom, I picked you a flower!

The mountain is gone. They are working on the road. The house shakes and the noise is constant, but Judah loves watching the trucks all day. 

The best part of any day.

Washing dishes in the bath. 

Made a quick jaunt to Cleveland for the total eclipse a couple of weeks ago. It was quite incredible, and no one is blind.

Dad's been helping in the kitchen more so Mom can clear things out for the move. They made Oreo fluff- with a hammer. and there was not a cutting board underneath when I walked in. Blessedly, they did not crack the granite weeks before listing the house! 

Popsicles are a food group for this kid. Real Fruit ones aren't so bad, right?

Life is so boring when you're getting ready to move.

Broccoli is also a fruit group. 

Every now and then, Judah proves he is not perfect and he is just a three-year-old after all. 
The day I finished painting that wall he traced all of the boxes on the wall. He was also quite proud of himself.

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