Tuesday, March 5, 2024

It's been a few years since I left the Air Force and the constant training, but despite that and the fact I've never deployed, being behind a car like this always triggers a flight response for me. Random wires protruding from the trunk really never can be a good thing,  even if it's not full of explosives. 

There happened to be another Cotillion this past weekend,  and the kids begged to go.  I'm happy to report that while the l still did not have the pleasure of dancing, my sweet dance partner fell asleep on the way there and slept 2.5 of the 3 hours. He awoke in time for cookies and pjs before the trip home... and then chatted until mama almost lost her mind before falling back asleep at 1130. 

Can't seem to fix the sideways picture thing...

Exhibit A. Child E begged to take child F outside to play while he worked on the gorgeous day that was yesterday. He assured me he would not play with him, but rather finish his work. 

Within 10 minutes, I found this. 

We couldn't pass up 70 on March. We took the afternoon off and enjoyed the zoo with some friends.  The polar bears were unusually active, I suppose they liked the warmth, too? 

Jude was happy to not only share his car,  but also push his friend Isey. He informed me that he is his favorite friend, and he doesn't need any other friends. 

Tough work deserves a break!

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