Saturday, July 2, 2022

They Fell in the Water!

I went into Selah's room to say good night tonight, and stepped on some wet pants that were on the floor. 

Me: Selah, why are there wet pants on your floor?selah: They fell in the water. 
Me: THEY fell into the water? Alone?
Selah: well.....
Me: If we could at least work harder on not having wet clothes on the carpet, that'd be great. 

Some things never change. Expectations clearly do. I'm not even going to ask where this water was, as the pond is mostly dried up and I probably just don't want to know. 

I'll save you the photo of her room that requires I step on many things to get to her bed, and leave you with some oldies thanks to Facebook memories. 

10 years ago...Selah was 3.

Sharpie. Of course.

Same day, different hour. Making herself a present. 

And 8 years ago, sweet Micah was 4 and woke up while I was in the shower. It was clearly quite early as he fell back asleep waiting for me. (The sun is up at 5 this time of year in MI!)

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