Thursday, August 5, 2021

Wait... It's Not Friday, yet?!

When the dump truck is dumping next to your house at 7 am.... you get a baby looking like this! At least he was happy!

Dad isn't here to fake feed the baby... so Jonah picked up the baton. Don't worry,  it was an empty container and clean spoon.  This mama isn't eating a lame diet only to have the baby getting all the goodies!

Rough day, let me tell you.  Only one more week and a day with no dad.  I used to have this under control, but teens and pumping are 2 (unrelated but huge) factors I've never had to juggle with a baby before.  We could use prayers for sleep and greater milk production, as the stress is taking its toll. 

Love this sweet little face. He makes it all better even when it takes me 3 hours to get him to bed.  

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