Friday, March 11, 2016

Snacks at the Park!

It's sunny and 44. And we've been cooped up all week with illness. The older boys went to their partnership classes today but the littles weren't well enough for that. So they wanted to have lunch at the park. And they packed it themselves. Good thing I fed them lunch before we came, because their version of lunch isn't the healthiest! They have chips with hummus and salsa, fruit snacks, apples and bananas, and water. We bought Gatorade at the commissary which means they opened both drinks for each kid and we'll likely be watering the grass with bottled water. I'm so grateful that we seem to be the only people who frequent the park on base so we don't have to feel guilty bringing kids who may still be contagious to play here. And I can blog while they play because it's not crowded!

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