Friday, October 12, 2012


This is what I eat, 3-5 times a day. Quinoa, butternut squash, carrots, olive oil, salt,& pepper. Pears for a snack, and water & pear juice to drink. Day 23 of the TED and we are finally seeing improvement with Elijah. I would kill for...well...anything, really. But especially some Pizza Hut. And some coffee.

Poor Elijah had been suffering from a terrible rash, terrible tummy trouble, and terrible reflux. We are determined to do everything possible to help him without meds or formula. The formula he would need costs $47 a can. The reflux meds are quite controversial. Research indicates all his problems are food related. We are praying that we can get this all under control with what I eat. The screaming has stopped. The constant vomiting has stopped. The rash is very improved. Once his diapers look normal, I hope to add a new food every 4 days. I wish I had known about this when Micah was a baby. But, we are wiser now, and I Know to trust my gut. Babies shouldn't cry 23 hours a day and never be able to be put down. We are hopeful that there are just a few things he is allergic to. Milk is a definite at this point. (he had hives from that.) Rice and potatoes seem to be a problem. As does beef. We don't know if he has EE, normal food allergies, or just an underdeveloped digestive system. He's still gaining weight, though much more slowly. At 8 weeks he was 12# 4 oz. We are confident we can get this figured out, and hopeful he will be eating normally by a year.

So life has been hectic, trying to keep him happy, school the boys, entertain the little two, cook, clean, do laundry, and go to soccer 5 nights a week. In addition, my laptop cannot access the blog. I hope to post some pictures from the camera soon. Until then...we appreciate your prayers!

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