Thursday, December 22, 2011

Something new

Came across the fact that blogger has an app for the droid. Seems cheaper and easier, in theory, than texting pictures to the blog. So let's see how this works.
Seems like I can even attach multiple pictures.
I can't really see the pictures but I think they were of the kids at Hell on Earth, yesterday. (Most of you probably call this place Toys R Us.) Yes, I took 4 kids, alone, to hell on earth when it was 40, raining, and 4 days before Christmas. And we all have a cold making everyone grumpy. We did, however, survive. And the only real problem there was Selah opening and eating a pack of M&Ms while I was checking out. Unfortunately, milk makes her stomach hurt and M&Ms have milk. And so, her stomach's been hurting. But it could have been worse.
WHY do they put candy where kids grab and eat it as their parents try to check out?? I can honestly say I have had to buy candy at least 10 times in the last year because of this. And since we do errands once a week (at most) that's like 20 % of the time! Very frustrating.

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