Friday, October 21, 2011

Time to catch up??

Soccer has finally ended for the Fall here, and boy am I relieved. We figured out that a minimum of 11 hours every week was soccer. Do you know what I could get done in 11 hours?!? Especially 11 hours with Bryan home to either help me or help with the kids! So I am hoping to catch up a little- or at least keep up better.
I've been trying to post a video of Selah for 2 hours. Ccouldn't do video last time I tried, either. I'll try to work on that, but I did get it on Facebook if you are on there.
Otherwise, the recap is she was caught climbing on the counter and after a long interrogation, she said she climbed up there to get a knife and a banana. And she asked herself and told herself I guess that makes it okay.

Notes: YES, the stove is on.
NO, the knives are no longer on the counter.
YES, she is always impossible to have a conversation with.
And, when praying that night, after thanking God for God (cracks me up everytime) she also thanked him for her family followed by being thankful for banas (bananas) and knifes (pronounced knife-es). Her seriousness is both hilarious and frightening.

We've had a few other incidents with knives and/or bananas lately...

Not sure if she was hungry or just wanted to chop stuff.

Someone forgot to feed the monkey, she had to feed herself.

Chair and banana peel...which means I willl likely find Selah...
 Hiding behind the table eating the stolen banana.

Chopping a banana on my kitchen rug.
A rare occasion of "real" (gluten-filled) bread...and a reminder why it just can't be.

She used the knife to open the graham crackers.

And, of course, then helped herself to some!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Ummm....yeah, she has a SLIGHT obsession with knives and with bananas. Just a little scary. And btw, when do you plan on taking color pictures :) luv ya!