Thursday, March 3, 2022


Nothing significant to report.  Dr Park came by and checked on Judah.  Physically everything is good with him.  They sent urine and blood to be cultured and we will be here at least until those come back- likely late Friday or early Saturday.  He felt like his blood and urine was all okay.  I should have asked for clarification, I'm not sure why there are so many red flags in the urinalysis  and blood results in the portal if there really concern

He's pretty miserable,  just sleeping and fussing wants to be held.  He's so hot,  and the meds aren't doing much. Despite alternating Tylenol and Motrin, his fever is hanging out between 102 and 103.5. I'm glad we're here because I would not be comfortable with that at home.  

Mostly just a waiting game.  He's getting maintainence fluids, so more than just saline to make up for the lack of eating. He's nursing a little here and there. 

Afternoon Update-
His fever finally broke...he's down to 97 and holding. Unfortunately, that did not help the fussiness. In fact, that got worse. He spent an hour just screaming. After 30 minutes I called the nurse. She gave him motrin, checked his IV, and did a bladder scan as it had been 4 hours without a wet diaper.

Ultimately, couldn't find anything wrong even though he was crying like something was wrong.afte 90 minutes he finally fell asleep and I'm just holding my breath while I hold him. Of course we're due for vitals, too. 

Pray he can get some rest and we resolve whatever is wrong!

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